Tuesday 19 June 2012



a] thank god once again because i am still in Madam Maryati's class. My feelings when the first time I knew I have got Madam Maryati's class, i was so happy. I am pleased to have the teachings thereof, the instruction given and the results are easily understood when I sit almost every question I could answer it. I hope in the subjects taught in this semester I will do your best to understand the lessons and get good results in this semester.

   what I have learned in class before. I have learned about idioms in English. I also found out that there are various types of idioms understandable. I also learn that the idiom also influence in our lives because each word brings a lot of meanings.

b] she will get the package from him. after that, he found there the man's phone number. so she continued to call the man and wish to meet him. the man received a phone call from the woman and agreed to meet her. they finally met at the railway station where the first time the woman get down from train.



1.  Brand spanking new
   -Meaning: A new or unused object.

2  Clear as bell
   -Meaning: To be understood clearly.

3. Cold Turkey
    -Meaning: To quit something abruptly and experience severe with drawal symptoms.

4.  A dime a dozen
    -Meaning: Something that is available in plenty and commonly.

5.  Cry wolf
    -Meaning: To intentionally give a false alarm.

6.  Blessing in disguise
    -Meaning: Something good which isn't recognized in the first instant.

7.  A leopard can't change his spots
    -Meaning: You can't change who you are.

8.  Cat bird seat
    -Meaning: To be a vantage point.

9.  Chew the fat
    -Meaning: To talk about unimportant things.

10. Devil's advocate
     -Meaning: Someone who takes a position in an argument without knowing the truth.


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