Wednesday 5 December 2012




The story appears in a village around Tambunan. There are 3 best friends walked in the forest at the end of the village. During their journey, Kuzi found a wooden box under a tree. Without knowing its content, he took the box and put it into his bag pack. Then, he runs to fetch his friends and went home.

When night falls, he tried to open the box. Suddenly, he found a sacred talisman in the mysterious box. He was fascinating with the shining and the beauty of the talisman. Then, he kept it into his drawer along with the wooden box.

In the next night, Kuzi had his dinner in front of the television. While he was enjoying his meal, suddenly someone has knocked his door. He got up and reached the door. He opened the door and found that no one outside of his house. He was confused and just let it be. Once again, the door was knocked and that time Kuzi starts to spook and out of his nerve. He ran to his room and covering himself with a blanket.

In the next morning, Kuzi met his friends and tells the experience he had in the night before. Unfortunately, his friends laughed him and called him ‘’chicken’’. To convince his friends, he asked them to sleep just one night at his house and finally they accepted Kuzi’s ‘’invitation’’.

At night, all of them came to Kuzi’s house except Dadie. Then, they got into the house with giggles and start to scares him off. Kuzi walked into the kitchen to mix some coffee for his friends. Suddenly, the door once again knocked and this time it sounds really hard. Afiq was shocked and walked towards the door. Kuzi just let Afiq opened the door. Then, Afiq closed the door fast and walk with a pale face. Asrul feels a little bit scared at the moment. Then, all around the house were knocked by the unknown thing and all of them ran scared into Kuzi’s room.

In the next morning, they made their words to meet the shaman at the end of the village. They tells the experience at the night before and the shaman starts to chant by his magic bowl. Suddenly, he found that one of them took a sacred talisman from its origin. Kuzi confessed for what he had done and his friends blamed him for what his doing. The shaman suggested that the talisman must be kept back to its origin no one will harm. Together they walked back to the place in the forest where the talisman was taken. The shaman asked them to bury the talisman and let it be in its place. Finally, they felt relief and continue their life.

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